Several years ago I had a dream or perhaps a vision in which the only message was the word LIEGE.

Now this is a word that at that time I was not familiar with so I did what any self-respecting dream enthusiast would do – I googled it. So, as a side note do know that Liège is a province of eastern Belgium. Formerly ruled by independent prince-bishops, it became a part of the Netherlands in 1815 and of Belgium in 1830. It is situated along the Meuse River.

Now as you probably know, Liege speaks to a relationship between a Lord and His servant or Vassal. More specifically the concept is relative to Feudal Law and the responsibility that the two parties have to one another. On the surface, one is likely to think of the “Lord Liege” as the dominate party in the relationship and this is reasonable as the Lord is the one with the stuff. As we further consider this relationship, though, we understand that the Lord is expressly dependent upon His vassals (liegeman) to help Him run things. They are mutually reliant upon each other. The word liege is both a noun and an adjective in its use.

Feudalism is also described as the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord’s land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.

So where am I going with all this? Well, it was not difficult for me to ascertain that what my Lord (Jesus Christ) was showing me in this dream is that we are in a mutually beneficial relationship. Specifically, He was demonstrating that He needs me (and you if you are in Him) to understand His responsibility in our relationship and He not only needs me to hold up my part but that I must be sure to hold Him responsible to do is His part.

So, let’s be clear; Jesus Christ is Lord and God. He is Sovereign. I am just telling you what He told me. We must know what His responsibilities are to us and hold Him responsible. We too need to know what it is He needs of us and move forward in those things. Do know that our relationship with Him avails to us all the resources of heaven inclusive of heaven’s military.

Can I get an Amen!

Speaking in tongues  MADE EASY TO UNDERSTAND 


After Jesus Christ had been crucified and was resurrected but before He ascended to His Throne in Heaven, He met with His disciples and gave them instructions as to how to carry on The Great Commission. See Mark chapter 16, verses 14-20. Verse 17 indicates that speaking with new tongues is to be one of the signs that believers should follow. I see this as a mandate, not a suggestion.  

Commonly asked questions about Speaking in Tongues are: What about the interpretation of tongues? How do I begin to speak in Tongues? Is speaking in tongues a Spiritual Gift? There are other questions. The answers to these questions will be covered in the content of this book. 

In keeping with the Title of this book, it is my intent to provide a straightforward explanation as to the what, the why, and the how (protocols) regarding Speaking in Tongues. 

Tongues, or the word Tongues simply means a language specific to a particular group of people. 

One could make a case for the primary reason for speaking in tongues is to show evidence of having been baptized in or with the Holy Spirit. It is certainly one of the reasons. 

Categories Of Tongues 

The word Tongues as referenced in the bible and relative to the topic here, is typically proceeded by one of these adjectives: other, unknown, divers, cloven, or new.  

New tongues (unprecedented In Strong’s) was only mentioned in the New Testament in Mark chapter 16. This when The Lord advised that speaking in tongues would be a sign exhibited by Believers. 

Cloven Tongues was the physical description of the Tongues seen on the day of Pentecost. We see the word cloven only one other time in the Bible. 

Other Tongues, that which was spoken at Pentecost speaks of specific or the divers languages of other groups.  

The descriptive word Unknown relating to Tongues is italicized in the Bible so was not in the original manuscript. You will find this only in 1 Corinthians chapter 14. It was added by the translators and used six times. Chapter 14 of 1 Corinthians is sometimes referred to as the Tongues Chapter. 

After the resurrection of Christ, He met with the apostles and commanded that they do not leave Jerusalem until but wait for the promise of the Father namely, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost in a few days.  

This promised was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost when the 120 were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. 


Utterance is the essential element of Speaking in Tongues. It is the language used or words being enunciated. The message given; The Dunamis. manifest presence of God is giving the utterance; God is in the room when Tongues are being spoken! 

Is Speaking in Tongues a Spiritual Gift 

No, Tongues is not one of the Spiritual Gifts. The Nine Gifts of the Spirit are these: 

The Word of Wisdom, The Word of Knowledge, Faith, Gifts of Healing, Working of Miracles, Prophecy, Discerning of Spirits, Divers Kinds of Tongues, and the Interpretation of Tongues. I cover these in another book. 

There are also the five Ministry Gifts I.e., Apostles, Pastors, Teachers, Evangelist, and Prophets. Other gifts found in the church are administration, giving, exhorting, mercy, organizing and serving. 

One should note that Divers kinds of Tongues must be accompanied by the Interpretation of Tongues. They are companion gifts and together equal prophecy. Exhortation, Edification and Comfort for the Local Assembly (The Church) is often associated with manifestation that is a speaking forth by one person and the interpretation by either that person or someone else in the congregation. Remember, God (The Spirit) gives the Utterance. 

Speaking in Tongues is the threshold to the Spiritual Gifts 

The process or progression to Speaking in Tongues looks like this: a person recognizing that he is a sinner, repents from his sins, accepts Jesus Christ as his Saviour (so is saved) and gets baptized in water and subsequently receives the Holy Spirit at the Hands of the Lord; Speaks in Tongues. The manifestation of the “Speaking in Tongues” event tends to vary from one candidate to the other. 

How Do I Prepare for Speaking in Tongues 

In addition to the steps shown in the previous section one needs to understand that Speaking in Tongues is mandatory for Believers and requires a Loving Heart and Great Measure of Consecration (not just anyone will Speak in Tongues) and the willingness to humbly yield themselves (their tongues) to be used by God for His Work (God’s Utterance is His work) in the world. 

The Protocol for Speaking in Tongues 

Whenever there is Speaking/Praying in Tongues, there is the Manifest presence of God; the Spirit gives the Utterance. God Himself is speaking in collaboration with an Earthen Vessel (Saint). The message, language, words, Utterance is given by God. Let me say it this way, if God is not in the room, then there is no speaking/praying in Tongues. 

Likewise, the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered (Romans 8:26).  


In the Local Assembly (Church Service) instances when Tongues should be present include an undergirding quiet individual prayer where the Parishers pray in their own space, not disturbing or being heard by those seated or standing near them. For example, the Church Leader is Praying or during the Alter call. Another typical occasion during the Local Assembly is Prophetic Utterance. This could follow Praise and Worship, for example and include Divers Kinds of Tongues including Unknown Tongues with The Interpretation of Tongues. 

If any man speaks in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret. 

But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God. 

Let the prophets speak two or three and let the other judge. (1 Corinthians 14:27-29) 

Speaking in Tongues is an extremely important Tenet of The Church! Yet the Church fails to give the utmost attention to equipping and biblically instructing the Saints on this subject. 





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As previously stated, LIEGE means RELATIONSHIP. In the context of this website, it means one’s relationship with The Most High and His relationship with us.

Interestingly, He depends upon us as we depend upon Him. He tells us in His Word what we can expect form Him and challenges us to hold Him accountable to His Word.

Further, we are instructed as to how to conduct ourselves and assist Him in wrapping up a few end-time details in this world.